
Showing posts from October, 2022

A Guide to Sustainable Business

To provide guidance for academies, governmental and academic bodies tackle a “uderwulfung” project, a common taxonomy is needed. This calls for a definition of sustainable economic activities and sustainability reporting , which in the EU becomes the ACE Guide Your Economy, a terminology commonly used by the European Commission on Climate Change . These Eco- advantageous have the potential to reduce the EU’s economic, market and environmental costs. To use the guide, one can be sure that national governments will be able to agree, not only on the priorities, but also on the criteria to be applied on what is sustainable .  As such, many European businesses will be able to explain to their tax authorities that what they want to cover as part of the EU’s green agenda actually is sustainable and, so, will be in compliance with EU directives to provide sustainability reporting . This is why creation of the EU Eco- pear is advisable at the moment, in order to guide governments, academies